the continent
the continent
the kingdom of bathysolus
the kingdom of bathysolus
the starboard alliance
the starboard alliance
the vasilian empire
the vasilian empire
this is the world map for the continent that the game takes place on.  we don't really care about anything except for the vasilian empire though.  the vasilian empire has historically kept a loose leash on eastshire since it was a conveniently placed port city that had a good economy for a while and brought a bunch of money in but now it's not as good at that anymore and also the empire can't have "we lost an important port city to a bunch of upstart criminals" so they're cracking down on eastshire for its current situation.
you're supposed to probably shut these guilds down but hey i mean you could also just make friends with them(?)
these icons are super old and definitely were not designed to show up on a website with a super dark blue background but eh whatever.
from left to right:
the crimson consortium (basically the italian mafia)
the requiem (radicalized revolutionaries working under the consortium led by this absolute loose cannon)
the stave (because fantasy settings need fantasy thieves guilds)
the three organizations above are the main suspects for the murder mystery situation that starts off the game.  as a player, you kinda have to go find each one and then sneak around their places for a bit to gather evidence and try not to get caught (i can already assure you that programming line of sight/detection for enemies in the game is going to be a colossal pain).
...arguably worse than the people you're supposed to shut down
here are the other factions of eastshire, from left to right:
the eastshire government (i can't really find a better term to use but you can see the flag on this building)
the occulox project (mass surveillance project funded by the empire to control eastshire's uhhhh crime problem)
The cult of the trenchant antler (tired of living an unfulfilling life?  now you can worship cosmic horrors all for the low, low price of your sanity)
the eastshire government
neglectful and super outdated and people do kind of hate them.  i guess the exception would be sigmund since hes young and trying to fix stuff but he's not having a whole lot of luck since the rest of the people there are old and don't want to admit that times change and so things are super stagnant.
the occulox project
creepy mass surveillance initiative headed by a prodigy inventor from the vasilian empire.  They've given eastshire an ultimatum: take "appropriate action" to address their crime problem or the occulox mass surveillance device will be deployed in the city.
the cult of the trenchant antler
capitalizes off of hopelessness.  Eastshire is kind of a crummy place to live (i mean anywhere with new england weather on steroids and an inability to adapt to changing times is gonna be pretty bad) and so in fits of desperation, people are drawn to the cult to feel like there's more to life than just being another cog in the crappy machine that is life in eastshire.  oh also it's probably not literally a hivemind.

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