slynrd's top-down pixel sprite tutorial was used to create the running and walk animation cycles. the idle animation (though half-baked at best) was my own doing, bolstered by my previous experience in 4-frame idle animations created for the roll20 marketplace.
i was later informed by another artist that most game sprite walk cycles were more interpolated, had more frames, and the feet in the animation slid backward rather than lift and step.
the character here is Sigmund, a creation of my friend, adi. sigmund was his first dungeons and dragons character, and... seems to be a self insert. However, as the character was further developed throughout the campaign, we found it fitting to include him as a supporting character in eastshire:overcast.

the animation and art may be clunky above, but at least it wasn't as bad as the original, original version 1. i made this on march 24, 2021, and i think a part of me died inside after i looked at it.