the character here is drahkhan, my friend's dungeons and dragons character.  He'll be showing up as the angry, righteous paladin.  the artwork is super clunky but heyyyyy i was testing programming okay?
the font is "silkscreen".
I plan on using nineslice later to draw a text box around the text (draw gui event time).
weather update:
added nineslice textbox, typewriter style text, updated font sizes, and ability to skip text animation upon clicking.
I hate it that gui draws on a separate layer above everything else so I might move my draw gui event onto a draw event to see what happens.
nineslice is fascinating.  this is the sprite I used for the text boxes (yes.  I know it's ugly.  It'll be updated later when I give the thing a graphic overhaul).  The engine took this image, kept the corners intact, and stretched everything else until it fit the dimensions requested.  This makes it really useful for gui.

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